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展會服務:超過15年的會展行業服務經驗,同國內外多個國家和地區的化工、水處理、環保、美容、交通,管道、玩具、食品、消費品、建材等領域的展會主辦方建立了長期穩定的合作,目前為Leoht Africa Events等國際著名展覽主辦機構在中國的辦事處,同時利用中心在全球各地的政府、商業資源為企業開展經濟貿易提供信息和商貿考察服務。

Exhibition services:more than 15 years of service experience, have established long-term and stable cooperation with many countries and regions in convention and exhibition industry at home and abroad, such as chemical, water treatment, environmental protection, beauty, traffic, pipeline, toys, food, consumer goods industry, now is Chinese office of Leoht Events and other international famous exhibition organizers. at the same time use the government, commercial resources around the world, provide trade and investment information and on-site inspection services for enterprises.


本中心同多(duo)個國(guo)家(jia)自由貿易區,政府投(tou)資(zi)機構建立了廣泛和(he)深入的(de)合作,同時(shi)為TACOBEL VENTURES LIMITED 在(zai)中國(guo)投(tou)資(zi)總(zong)顧(gu)問,為中國(guo)企業投(tou)資(zi)該機構在(zai)全球(qiu)各地的(de)工業園(yuan)區、商業地產、文(wen)旅項目提供咨詢服務。

International Trade and Investment Consultation:

We have established extensive and in-depth cooperation with free trade zones and government investment institutions in many countries. At the same time, we serve as the general adviser for TACOBEL VENTURES LIMITED in China, and provides consulting services for Chinese enterprises to invest in their industrial parks, commercial real estate and cultural and tourism projects around the world.


Overseas study service: we have established long-term and stable cooperation with universities in many countries, at the same time as the China admission office of XiangMing University and other famous universities, our south Korean services team will be responsible for the overseas students dormitory and work-study arrangement, we arrange students focus on employment, salary can be reached 1.45 million Hanyuan/month (RMB 8700), can increase wages according to the society and student performance the second year.